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Based on the Context What Does the Word Feasibility Mean

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capable of being done, effected, or accomplished: a feasible plan.

suitable: a road feasible for travel.



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Origin of feasible

First recorded in 1425–75; late Middle English feseable, faisible, from Anglo-French, Old French, equivalent to fes-, fais- (variant stem of faire, from Latin facere "to do") + -ible adjective suffix; see -ible

synonym study for feasible


fea·si·bil·i·ty [fee-zuh-bil-i-tee], /ˌfi zəˈbɪl ɪ ti/, fea·si·ble·ness, noun fea·si·bly, adverb non·fea·si·ble, adjective non·fea·si·bly, adverb

un·fea·si·ble, adjective un·fea·si·bly, adverb


feasible , viable

Words nearby feasible

fearnought, fearsome, feasance, feasibility, feasibility study, feasible, feast, feast day, Feast of Dedication, Feast of Fools, Feast of Lanterns Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2021

How to use feasible in a sentence

  • It was yet again a demonstration of the ways in which it's not feasible to pretend like the world of social media is somehow completely divorced from the rest of our reality.

  • For now, Gloria is stuck mulling where cuts – and investments – are feasible.

  • The four mathematicians made the hunt feasible through two main innovations.

  • That is not even very feasible in some areas of the world that have limited electricity supply.

  • Eight years later, Google has decided that a network of flying Internet balloons is indeed not a feasible idea.

  • Cooperating with Assad is also the only feasible way, at present, to lessen the humanitarian nightmare in Syria.

  • The use of the F-22 over Syria presently is easily feasible and extremely logical.

  • But his higher profile should also make it more economically feasible to continue his work in disaster recovery.

  • The villain hacks into drones and gains control of them, which does seem like a pretty feasible scenario.

  • Unfortunately, under the circumstances, it is just not very feasible.

  • Wherever feasible, I have preferred to let Tchaikovsky himself tell the story of his life.

  • The several plans I revolve in my mind do not prove, upon closer examination, feasible.

  • The plan was very feasible, and the advice was good, as it placed the issue beyond a doubt: I inclined to it myself.

  • In the morn, when it was light saw men that ice had formed round the ships so thick that it was feasible to walk round about them.

  • It is indispensable to check these against biological fact, in order to ascertain which are feasible and which are not.

British Dictionary definitions for feasible


able to be done or put into effect; possible

likely; probable a feasible excuse

Derived forms of feasible

feasibility or feasibleness, noun feasibly, adverb

Word Origin for feasible

C15: from Anglo-French faisable, from faire to do, from Latin facere

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Based on the Context What Does the Word Feasibility Mean
