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Roy Lichtenstein Record of Art Sales Art Production Fake

Spurred by advances in photomechanical reproduction, forgers are increasingly selling unauthorized copies of famous works on the net, and elsewhere.

The estate of Roy Lichtenstein says his “Crying Girl,” (1963), an offset lithograph, is one of the artist’s works that forgers have tried to fake most often.
Credit... Estate of Roy Lichtenstein

In Basel, the Swiss government are prosecuting a local fine art expert who they say sold hundreds of fake prints that he passed off online every bit the piece of work of Roy Lichtenstein, Andy Warhol, Paul Klee, Pablo Picasso and others over 10 years.

In New York, Adrienne R. Fields now spends much of her workweek scanning the internet for forged prints that pop up at website after website. She is head of the legal section for the Artists Rights Society, which protects the intellectual property rights of artists and their estates.

"It happens every day that Adrienne sends a 'have down' find to a website," said Ted Feder, the president of the society.

The two cities, almost four,000 miles autonomously, are both on the front lines of the fight confronting the auction of imitation prints.

Since the dawn of the internet, the problem of phony art being sold has only grown, experts say, and the primary coin of the forgery realm has long been the fake print, which is relatively easy to create, frequently difficult to detect and typically priced low enough to attract undiscriminating novice buyers.


Credit... Kyle Johnson for The New York Times

But now the trouble seems to exist escalating, according to law enforcement officials in the United States and Europe.

"In the concluding few years we take confiscated hundreds of fakes that forgers and dealers said were by Lichtenstein, Georg Baselitz, Picasso, and others, that came from Italy, Spain, and Portugal," said Elena Spahic, an officer with the Bavarian Police in Munich who specializes in art forgery.

Timothy Carpenter, supervisory special agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation'southward art criminal offence team, said that the proliferation of online art sales has deepened the problem. "Before, you had to find a way to get it to the market only due east-commerce has inverse the game," he said.

The most prevalent faux prints are those falsely attributed to Lichtenstein and Warhol, experts said. But forgers have likewise brought to market place multitudes of fake Picassos, Klees and Gerhard Richters, too every bit phony works attributed to Marc Chagall, Joan Miró, Salvador Dalí and Henri Matisse.

Improvements in photomechanical reproduction techniques have made information technology easier for forgers to produce deceptive simulated prints. "A real skilful reproduction can fool a lot of experts," said John Szoke, a Manhattan dealer in Picasso and Edvard Munch prints. Detecting the forgeries is non simple, he said.

"It's the color of the paper, the quality of the printing, the status of the print, all of which you compare with the original," he said. "And then you demand years and years of experience."

The problem is also not express to online outlets. Susan Sheehan, a New York dealer in postwar American prints, said that 18 months agone she bought what she thought were 2 Andy Warhol flower prints for $100,000 at a major German auction house.

"I bought them after seeing high-resolution photographs online," she said. "The provenance was superb, but when I got the prints I got suspicious. The paper was shiny. The numbers on the prints were too large. The surface of the prints looked too new."

"I wanted more than professional person communication," Ms. Sheehan continued, "and took them to ii of the major auction houses in New York. They said the prints were fake. I scraped myself off the floor, but I somewhen — after vi months — got my money back."

The term "print" is a wide ane, traditionally used to depict a number of types of original fine art works such every bit etchings, lithographs and woodcuts that are produced in limited editions through a range of processes. In each example, the artist creates an paradigm and works with a publisher or printer to produce the set number, oft destroying the plate, the stone or other matrix used later on printing.

Ofttimes the creative person will sign and number each print with a marking that says information technology was, say, 12 of 200. (12/200.)

The fakes, on the other hand, are typically photomechanical reproductions of the originals. The forgeries are fabricated past people with no connection to the artist and are sold as his or her piece of work; they will often be accompanied by phony signatures from the artist or bogus certificates of authenticity.


Credit... Kyle Johnson for The New York Times

Such is the case with many prints erroneously sold as the piece of work of Lichtenstein. The pop artist made most 300 different images into prints. Some date back to his commencement one-man exhibition at the Leo Castelli Gallery in the early 1960s, when unsigned prints of his comic-strip fighters and seductive blondes were just given away at the gallery to attract attention to the show. Others were folded up and mailed to collectors.

But the prints, created through outset lithography, take go more valuable over time, especially a limited edition of 300 signed by Lichtenstein. These can fetch anywhere from $5,000 to $fourscore,000 today.

So the forgers, hoping to capitalize on the surge in value, have been known to take one of the Castelli prints, add a simulated signature, create a bogus certificate of authenticity, and put it forward as a signed work from the limited edition. The artificial prints have sold for as much as $50,000.

The Lichtenstein estate, according to a representative, has been sending cease and desist notices to sellers of prints not recognized as authentic and reaching out to the F.B.I. The manor says neither it nor the Roy Lichtenstein Foundation has ever issued certificates of authenticity.

"If a buyer is offered a 'Certificate of Actuality,' it is faux," the estate said in a statement.

Ms. Sheehan, the dealer, said the most faked Warhol prints are ones that mimic ii limited editions he made, one of Marilyn Monroe and the other of flowers. An original Marilyn print can sell for every bit much as $300,000, she said.

"I've been in the business for 30 years and some people say there are more faux Warhols than existent ones," Ms. Sheehan said. "He made several hundred prints. When I meet a real Warhol, I say, 'Oh my God, a real Warhol.' Sometimes the fakes are and then good information technology's astonishing. Sometimes I have to look at a print three or 4 days to decide information technology doesn't band right."


Credit... Kyle Johnson for The New York Times

Experts say a major problem with many prints sold as Picassos is that they feature phony signatures. While Picasso made a lot of prints — about 2,400 — he did not sign a big number of them. However it is quite easy to find signed prints in the marketplace. Experts say some of them are false and some of them are actual Picassos with a phony signature added.

"There are probably thousands of prints with fake Picasso signatures," said Mr. Szoke, the dealer.

Among the most coveted Picasso prints are many of the 100 etchings from the Vollard Suite, which is named after the dealer and publisher, Ambroise Vollard. Picasso made them between 1930 and 1937 in response to a request by Vollard, who compensated him by giving him works he owned past Renoir and Cézanne.

Some of the images depict an artist in his studio. Others feature women who resemble Marie-Thérèse Walter, Picasso's lover at the fourth dimension. A complete gear up of the suite, signed by Picasso, was sold at Christie's last Nov for $4,815,000.


Credit... Kyle Johnson for The New York Times

"When Picasso was in his 50s, he was not ever in the mood to sign a large corporeality of prints," said Marc Rosen, a private dealer and former senior vice president of Sotheby'south. "In market terms, the signature is relevant. Only what gives value is the quality of the print. Signatures should be secondary. People who buy solely for the signature are idiots."

Major online selling platforms similar Amazon, eBay and Etsy say they have created protocols to weed out fakes and are working toward additional safeguards.

"Etsy is committed to maintaining the integrity of our marketplace," the company said in a statement. "We already have robust policies, processes, tools and teams in identify to identify and remove items that may interfere with intellectual property rights."

In a statement, eBay said it swiftly reviews and removes items it suspects may be fakes when it receives a complaint. "Counterfeits and unauthorized copies are illegal and not welcome on any of eBay's sites," it said.

Merely Ms. Fields of the rights social club said a lot of fakes however slip through in various locations online.

"It's an uphill battle," she said. "Ane fake can exist shown on many websites, simply y'all don't know who the provider is. Prices range from $10 to tens of thousands of dollars."

Hubertus Butin, an art historian who is writing a volume on fine art forgery, said the biggest problem with fake prints is that they are "field of study to the principle of eternal recurrence."

"Commonly they do not disappear," he said, "later on they are exposed, merely somehow find their way back into apportionment in the art market. When a faked object is not seized past the police from the forgers, their accomplices, or the dealers and collectors, the owners or their heirs tin put information technology back into circulation at some point."

Some of the forgers resurface, too, even afterwards multiple arrests. Vincent Lopreto has been imprisoned 3 times in connection with the auction of fraudulent artwork, oftentimes imitation Damien Hirst prints. He is now serving a 5 ½-to-11 yr sentence in a New York state prison after a 2017 conviction on charges of 1000 larceny and scheming to defraud.

When Mr. Lopreto was last released from prison, in 2015, he returned to the business of selling phony fine art just xv days later, according to the Manhattan district attorney'due south office, which has prosecuted Mr. Lopreto twice.
